Core Partners

EDUCatt – Ente per il diritto allo studio universitario dell’Università Cattolica
EDUCatt is the non-profit Foundation of the Cattolica University entrusted with the provision of Student Support Services. EDUCatt pays great attention to the centrality of the person: the aim of the Foundation is not only to provide services to students, but also to guide them to their future in order to help them to create value with their work, competence and knowledge.
The main goal is to provide services, ranging from accommodation to food service, from books and digital resources to scholarships and financial support, with the aim to match the real needs of the students and give them concrete solutions, keeping them up with technological development and innovation. In the last few years, EDUCatt has been at the forefront of the innovation on the students’ recognition and services provision at a European level, thanks to its participation in several partnerships related to this field.

ACRU – Associazione italiana dei Collegi e delle Residenze Universitarie
ACRU is an association gathering Italian Colleges and University Residences. Colleges and residences of this network wish to be considered as environments where students can grow from a civil and a cultural point of view, where intercultural and interreligious communication is possible and students are truly welcomed and accompanied throughout their academic path, also encouraging experiences abroad. The association, sharing Christian values and educational projects, promotes cooperation with the competent Ministry, the Conference of the Rectors of the Italian University (CRUI), Regions, Universities and Research Institutions.

Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe Anstalt des öffentlichen Rechts
On behalf of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe serves around 46,000 students in Karlsruhe and Pforzheim, covering all aspects of student life.
The fields in which SW-KA operates are:
• BAföG (Federal Law on Support in Education),
• student residence,
• dining halls and cafeterias,
• legal advice,
• short-term loans or degree loans,
• childcare,
• student culture,
• psychotherapeutic counselling,
• advice for International Students.
The International Student Center (ISC) of the Studierendenwerk Karlsruhe offers students assistance in any matter regarding student life. The ISC Organises and Plans a Comprehensive Program for All Students, International and German.

ISIC Association
ISIC allows students the world over to prove their official student status and make the most of thousands of targeted
student benefits in over 130 countries/territories.
Developed in 1953 to help nurture cross-cultural understanding and international exchange, ISIC provides students with access
to exclusive discounts on travel opportunities, allowing cardholders to discover and interact with new countries, cultures and languages at reduced rates.
ISIC has been endorsed by the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) since 1968. The card is recognized by universities, academic institutions, student unions, national governments, financial institutions and ministries of education around the world.
In addition, ISIC provides Cobranded International Student Cards for more than 1.500 institutions around the world letting their student to be identified in their school, in their cities and also, around the world.

Sveuĉiliŝte u Dubrovniku
University of Dubrovnik is public university founded in 2003 and located in Dubrovnik, Croatia. It consists of seven departments with 257 employees.
The ITS Department of Economics and Business (DEB) was founded in 1970 as Faculty of Tourism and Foreign Trade Dubrovnik.
Today, DEB is involved in several projects and educational activities aimed at understanding digital transformation and how it changes the way people live and work as well as building of employability skills among students. Within DEB, operates a Center for Research on Digital Transformation CREDO.

Rivensco Consulting Ltd
Rivensco Consulting Ltd is an innovating company that aims to establish itself as a major link between the academic and business world. Rivensco maintains offices in all major cities in Cyprus and it provides training in different subject areas such as business, social enterprises, information technology and hospitality. With our experience in EU projects, we support local businesses to participate in European and national funding projects, including the local Chamber of Commerce, local Colleges, Universities, Ministries, Municipalities and other stakeholders. The effectiveness of our operations requires the cooperation with several small businesses and local stakeholders, including local media. We pay particular attention to the pivotal role of new technologies and the competitive advantage they offer.